Amiga On Line Damage

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Damage is a strange game, it's an arcade adventure full of splatter and drug, with an evil sence of humor. This isn't a game for everybody you must accept to kill everyone without any reason, but you'll find it fantastic! The gfx isn't impressive with simple backgrounds with no many colours, but animations of either character and people you meet are superb (very little but very detailed). Sound is composed by a music during title and good sfx during game (the cryes of little boys and old women are fentastic). But the strongest point of the game is playability, that is very good (if you'll appreciate the genre), the city is very big and there're a lot of surprises around. So Damage is a good game and also a very original one, if you'll accept a game in wich using drugs and killing people are normal things you'll find in it a lot of entertainment. Try it!

Damage is only avaible from:

Prices in accepted currencies: 15 USD, 20 DM, 10 GBP, 90 SEK, 50 FIM.
The prices include posting by air.
It is respectable if you pay more, for double or more you'll get special silver disks and a personal, autographed certificate of your support!

Send the cash money and your address to:

P.O.BOX 93
45701 KSNK

Or transfer through bank into account: Merita Bank Finland, 206220-296282
and send the receipt with your address.

If you wish to make a money order, you must add 33% more (making 20 USD total)
and address the order to Jyrki Sinivaara (the 33% goes to our bank!)

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Damage e' un gioco un po' strano, e' un arcade adventure pieno di splatteramenti e droga, caratterizzato da un senso dell'unorismo veramente macabro. Sicuramente non e' un gioco per tutti, bisogna accettare di uccidere tutti senza motivo, ma lo troverete fantastico! La grafica non e' impressionante visti i fondali un po' scialbi e poco colorati, sebbene le animazioni sia del protagonista che dei passanti sono stupende (molto piccole ma molto dettagliate). Il sonoroe' composto da una musica per i titoli e da buoni effetti sonori durante il gioco (le urla dei bambini e delle vecchiette sono fantastiche!). Ma l'aspetto piu' forte del gioco e' la giocabilita', che e' molto alta (a patto di apprezzare il genere), la citta' e' molto grande e ci sono un sacco di sorprese in giro. In definitiva Damage e' un buon gioco ed e' anche molto originale, se riuscirete ad apprezzare un gioco dove assassinare tutti e usare droghe sono cose normali ci troverete un sacco di divertimento. Provatelo!

Damage e' disponibile solo presso:

Prices in accepted currencies: 15 USD, 20 DM, 10 GBP, 90 SEK, 50 FIM.
The prices include posting by air.
It is respectable if you pay more, for double or more you'll get special silver disks and a personal, autographed certificate of your support!

Send the cash money and your address to:

P.O.BOX 93
45701 KSNK

Or transfer through bank into account: Merita Bank Finland, 206220-296282
and send the receipt with your address.

If you wish to make a money order, you must add 33% more (making 20 USD total)
and address the order to Jyrki Sinivaara (the 33% goes to our bank!)

Indice Index |Indice Numero 7 Index Number 7 |Editoriale Editorial|Novità News|Anticipazioni Previews|Recensioni Reviews|Links|Trucchi Tips|Top Ten